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meglet | 23:21 Sat 08th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Pretty but dumb


Clever but ugly?


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I would be the 2nd one. I would woo with my wittiness rather than my looks.
Honest me is shallow and would rather be pretty but dumb!

Luckily I don't have to worry, I am both incredibly pretty and super smart!! Honest :o) Ha!
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I'm like mistys, always have been, people always assume you are thick cos you are blonde, it used to bother me when I was in my early 20s, gave up careing though lol
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But Diz are you a pretty psychopathic genius but an ugly one?
I am the latter ! , dont want to blow my own trumpet and all...
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Do blondes have more fun, as the saying goes, though Dot?
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i would b pretty and dumb, lol
cos its more fun to b dumb than knowing everything :)
I'd take pretty and dumb actually. I genuinely believe ignorance is bliss.
Clever and ugly-who wants to be dumb ????????

I can answer that cos I amd both clever and no bad looking -tee hee !!!!
Or competely psychotic like Drisgirl.
youre getting in all the threads now LT pack it in will ya
its normally the guys who ruin the night
How dumb are we talking? Actually mentally retarded or just a bit dippy?

If the latter, I'd chose pretty but dumb any day.
pretty clever
Im all four now is that just brilliant or a freak of nature
I'm ugly and dumb....where does that leave me? On the shelf!

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