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S.O.S Help needed urgently LOL

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haysi06 | 17:10 Sun 09th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
My local Firestation is having a fun car wash today for charity.

Can anyone lend me their car?



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I dont have a car haysi so im offering myself up for a "wash" Im feeling slightly dirty after seeing that picture ;-)
Hiya Hxx.... no picture, drat ! I'll have to use my imagination instead :)
OK now.... phwoar ! but a bit too young for me !
just go along and ask if you can play with their hose : )
If you manage to get a car, come pick me up haysi please :o)
Ooooh yum!!
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Hi everyone LOL

I know a man with a mini-bus!
Ok, I'll go steal one right now, and meet you in ten!!!!
ooo err Hays - what ya go and do that for -phew !!!!!!

Wheres froggo when you need him-he was gorj in his uniform -i'm hot flushing at the thought -lol
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Hiya Dris, was that Froggo from Froggers? I cant recall seeing him! dammit.
Yip the very one -he did post a few cracking photies -yummmmyyy !!!!!
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Oh yes I think I did see some of them. But he had his clothes on LOL!
Hays -thats part of the fun -the tease.................oooooooooeeeerrrr!!!

Bit young for me but men in uniform - I'm there!!
My car is filthy haysi - I will pick you up.
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LOL, thank you bensmum, I will bring plenty of pound notes )

my fella and his station did a charity car wash yesterday!

My cars still filthy though, he was too busy doing others xx
My Mum's ex neighbour had four sons. One is a fireman. I had a massive crush on him for years. He was the year above me at school. Always wonder where he is now. He's married unfortunately.
I went out with a fireman years ago - probably where my uniform fetish comes from!
oh yeah haysi my local firestation was doing car wash all week end ,,i forgot all about it ..:(

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S.O.S Help needed urgently LOL

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