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my eyes?

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AutomaticGal | 21:44 Sun 09th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
its wierd, but my left eye opens more than the other. its like my righ eye lid is tired or something coz its drooping. like you can see me and the whole of my left eye and three quarters of the other...

does any one know what this is and if i can get it fixed.


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I'm sure that is "lazy eye". One of my eyes does the same thing.
tigg lazy eye is the eyeball not the lid
if those are your eyes i don't see anything wrong with them. as long as you are seeing well with them, then don't fix what's not broke.
Sorry but has anyone just got up and looked in the mirror to check their own eyes out, or is that just me? :)
Doesn't seem much wrong if those pics are anything to go by. Hey - is the bottom one Paul McCartney?
Arrrggghhh!!! My mother has lied to me all these years then! Lol lol
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lol non of them are me.... i found this pic on the internet. and they are different types of PTOSIS - also known as droopy eye.. ur upper eyelip can droop or ur bottom one... lay eye is when one eye points towars ur nose... kinda like cross eyes but with one eye..

I have got a slightly droopy eye lid though.
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well does anyone know how to fix it?
I think we can safely assume 'no', automaticgal :(
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awwww... poop.... meh theres always cosmetic surgery.... i just need to rob a bank first.

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