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I thought this was a UK site?

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feeefeee | 09:20 Mon 10th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Why are the questionnaires (on the left of the page) all aimed at the US visitor?
Just wondering.....


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world wide web

there are no borders

d t h ?
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Pickle, thank you for your helpful answer.
The questionnaires are in fact an advert for a company that makes surveys for you (for a fee). You can use their services to design a survey, irrespective of borders. This is useful for small companies. They can target their existing customers and target a personalise/customised survey at them.

So this is a useful and acceptable product. Whether the examples we see on the left here, which are aimed at an American viewer, is the best way to sell their product, is another matter.

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I thought this was a UK site?

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