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4GS | 16:31 Mon 10th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Although the bar code was destroyed, I manged to salvage the ticket number, took it to the retailer and after a few attempts got my �48 stion533513.html

Your babies are safe


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wow, well done!

shall put the ketchup away again.
You were a lucky bunny ..well done ...
spend and enjoy !!!!
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It took ages and about a mile of sticky back plastic to get it all in one piece red,

no really i'm glad you got it.
my other half threw the wrong scratch cards away and we ended up going all through our rubbish...yuk!
it was for twenty quid though
Yay 4GS , that's great , well done :-) xxxxx
Hi 4GS!
Perseverance paid off then lol xxx
Way to go John -thought they would stump up -its just the million ones they are reticent about.

You and yer missus have a good meal -enjoy xxxx
My "babies" were never in any danger!
Glad you got your winnings 4GS - enjoy spending it.
Thats great!

I have a load of lucky dips that I havent checked yet.

I could be sitting on a fortune ;) LOL

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