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Photo sorting

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Palustris | 21:04 Sun 09th Mar 2008 | Computers
7 Answers
I have a huge set of pictures(10 gig ) and I want to sort them by date of taking (found in Raw file) Anyone know how to do this?


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The write up for Picasa says

"Picasa organises your entire collection while you watch, scanning the images on your computer and automatically sorting them by date".

Its free:
Windows Explore can do the same thing. Go to My Pictures, select View/Details, click on the Date Picture Taken column heading.
Question Author
Thank-you I tried this and now have another problem. It sorts them by Day/Month/Year and I really would like them sorted by Year/Month/Day.
As it is 15/92/2003 comes before 31/03/2004.
I habve a lot of duplicates and I was trying to end up with just one copy of each photo in this location. All are saved on CD and on a seperate hard drive).
From what I can see I would have to edit the EXIF data to do this. Am I right?
Thanks again.
Don't quite understand your problem: Assuming that there's a typo in your first date, then the sort order is correct. i.e. both 15/2/2003 and 15/09/2003 should come before any date in 2004, which is what you say they are doing?
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Sorry to say but the order comes up as 01.01.03 (earliest pic I have) down to 01.01.2008, then to 02.01.2003 down to 02.01.2008 and that is what happens on FinePix too.
It seems to sort them, by Day then Month and then Year not all three as a single unit.
How strange - on my system it definitely sorts them correctly by date!
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Thanks folks I have solved the problem. It was due tio the way the Date was set up in Global settings. I also downloaded a small prog from Microsoft which gives more Exif data info, very useful.

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