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Do you like being you?

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4GS | 20:39 Tue 11th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Do you? If you weren't you who would you like to be? Anyone, alive, dead, Aber, or someone from somewhere else. If I wasn't me I'd be:


or someone else



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lol whiffey, they would be at least 200 out eh?
I am quite happy being me actually.... but I guess I need to check that I am not *somebody* else.... looks down yep, definitely me !
I am quite happy being me online and in real life. :)

I would however like to be the physiotherapist for Celtic Football Club - that would be good ;)
I like being me sometimes but most of the time I would happily be anyone else
Celtic, load of Jessies.
I like who i am although i would like to make a few changes to the way my life is right now.
Really cant say id want to be anyone else though, but wouldnt mind being in someone elses position rather than my own! :-)
I would like to be someone else ..not decided
who ..maybe just me ..have some chill out
time ...
Awww Mama,what a lovely answer xx

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