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Something funny going on

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puss_boots | 23:16 Tue 11th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Is it just me or when you click on Breast hair does the Beauty section show above it.


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where do you see breast hair, Puss? i don't see it!
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Its gone now but it was definately on chatterbank then went back to beauty. I'm off there is a poltagist in my puter.
i seen at a glance puss
you wernt seein things

ooooooooooooo spookey eh

i guess we all have poltagist living in the puters. lol
I got a bit paranoid then when i read breast hair! I was quite relieved when i couldnt see any! ;-)
think its someone , on hormon treatment , moving to the other side if you know what i mean (WINK WINK ) havent seen it myself jest a thought

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