Hiya. I just took my shopper out to the co-op and nobody gave me any funny looks.3 people even asked me where I got it and how much it cost etc. One lady even wrote down the brand name so she can look it up on the internet.I think I may have started a new trend.pmsl.
Hun - you might as well go and put the oven on NOW. It'll be breakfast time before you know it!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh lol.
I can't go to bed just yet. It's howling a gale outside, and I feel weird about walking down the hall by myself when the weather's like this! if i wait a bit longer, the Other Half'll come down to see where I am!!!! Coward! xx
Lol. I'm still here, wondering if I dare race out and up the stairs on my own!! Doesn't that sound stupid in my own home!!! Ha ha - I'll ring him on his mobile!!!!!!!!!!!!! x