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What is the one thing

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haysi06 | 21:26 Wed 12th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
that you could tell me that other people would be shocked to know?



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col craddock - Tell me more!!!!
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col craddock - that is a claim to fame LOL

jules - quentin is a lovely name for a girl I mean boy!

puss - glad it worked out in the end

roaldm - if you ever get back in the tattygun business gimme a call LOL!
col craddock ...what was it like I did see
the footage ...must have been brilliant
I came really really close to choosing a life of crime. luckily I met my wife and walked away from it.
I havent eaten a single jelly tot for 3 days in a row, I know, I know its a shocker, but the shop run outta them
Hi weeal!!, omg you must be getting withdrawls!?!

can you not deputise some jelly babies instead of tots until you get your supply back?
lol hi cazzz, i had to suffer chocolate bananas of the foamy kind and some jelly dinosaurs again, but think there may be supplies by tomorrow

you should caution the woman in the shop to your bulk jelly tot needs!

I have to bulk buy mine ges/70307%20007.jpg
ive not eaten ANY crisps of ANY variety for 4 days now.
ive just got over the shakes but im terribly crabbit.
ooh they look nice

well i did tell the manny in the shop but he no speaky good english, i might just have to resort to crying and holding up an empty pack
hiya radio
i could NOT live without crisps, you are torturing yourself but well done
I bought some easter eggs today and non for myself! how brave am I!!
cazzz1975 I took his golf clubs because the bu**er paid for them on my credit card and left me with the bill.
ok..... truth time eh ? I have had no beer or lager since before Christmas, honest !

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