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Once Bitten..

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4getmenot | 09:49 Thu 13th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Has anyone on here been bitten by a dog before, if so how serious was it and are you scared of dogs now?


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Hi 4get , I was bitten on the hand as a child , I had dropped something and was bitten as the said dog didn't want me to pick it up . Still got the scar but only physically , I'm not scared of dogs , though I do have a healthy respect for them :-) xxxxx
I was bitten by a dog about 10 years ago.

I was walking down the street when a dog was running towards me and sank his teeth into my lower leg.

It was summer and I was bare legged and the dog drew blood.
I went to the doctors straightaway and he dressed the wound. I was worried about rabies etc, but the doctor said to me not to worry, it is only when the dog bites you more nearer to your heart that it is serious.
I didn't believe that for a minute, but to this day I am terrified of dogs. I've only gotta hear barking and I freeze.
I cross the road if I see a dog or turn back.
No,i`ve only ever been bitten by one creature and that was a squirrel.Very nasty it was too,bled like the devil.
I was bitten on my hand by our dog when I was a toddler. The dog didn't like me very much as her nose was put out of joint on my arrival.

I have a tiny scar, but I'm not scared of dogs. In fact I love dogs and respect them. I'm always caucious with strange dogs, but confident if they approach me!

Usually find they want good old sniff at my hand to say hello and then wander off!
Yeah, when I was ta toddler I tried to take a bone from an uncles mutt,

I don't like dogs!!!!!!
Dogs are ok .

Its a dog eat dog world.


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I have always been scared of dogs, I was nipped on the ankle when younger but that was nothing, I have dreams of getting bit and that why I get so scared of them. Some dogs I can be fine with, like sausage dogs :-) Its strange because we had a family dog but I do remember it taking me ages to go and stroke him.
Dogs sense fear.
No matter how big n tough you portray yourself.
A dog can see through the bravado , to feel fear is to let a dog know youre scared , i think this makes dogs uneasy .
This is of course not a veterinary opinion but my own.

Juist before folk go google mad.

D T H ?
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I think most people know that dogs sense fear. but if you dont like dogs you cant help it
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Legend I think you are taking this thread out of context, I asked if you have ever been bitten...:-)
yeah loads we had a kennel when i was a kid and always had dogs, i love em and they don't bother me in the slightest
my pup nips me quite a bit and a few years ago the family dog nipped me when we were playing and it drew a smiggen of blood. but no i'm not scared of dogs. i find that most dogs (that are kept by good owners) are good judges of character.

there's a reason why dogs are regarded as man's best friend x
I was bitten by an alsation about 25 years ago, I was taken to court, for stabing it with the garden shears i was using at the time, i got off without charge, the dog survived but never came near me again.
My god, you're quite the Rambo, aren't you Logic!!.
i must admit, alsations can look pretty fierce.
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lucky you werent in china gravy.
they eat dog .
you couldve ended up on the menu .
ouch - gravitate!
poor you! x
I was bitten by a local dog when I was 8 or 9 yrs old...he was on the front step of his house and when he saw me,he came flying down the path,jumped in the air and just nipped my nose. I was also bitten by my own dog a few years later...squeezing his nose probably had a great deal to do with it!! I afraid of dogs?-no,just a bit cautious.

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