I hope that beginners luck carried on following you chaterbox :)
pmsl at jons link, i have so got to get some of those. Its my sisters birthday soon and the look on her face would be worth the punch I get in mine lol
hahaha...I can't stop laughing at jon's link either (me again pixi, I'm not stalking you, honestly)....with my luck they'd have a 'culinary' as we call them :o)
actually, it's been a lucky year for me <touch wood>...a few weeks ago I won �10, then the following Sat �79, & the one after that another tenner! The most I've ever won :o)
sorry, submitted too soon
that was on the Lotto...never won on scratchcards but I stuck one on a box of chocs as a pressie for a neighbour & she won �5!