Ripley, I'll use this rare moment of Naomis sobriety to address your question and make a comment.
Yes, I have seen churches on T.V. that cater for sexually orientated minorities particularly in the London area, but it is a shame if these people have been made to feel outsiders in a regular church.
However, the vast majoirity of churches like the vast majority of people would put out the welcome mat for everybody, even if, like me, they consider homosexuality as a sin. But then this falls into the same category as theft, dishonesty, anger, selfishness, etc, things we are all guilty of in the sight of God.
Many people go to church for the sense of community and fellowship, even if they are not believers, but simply interested in what is going on, the sermons and singing, and of course, the charitable work and social life.
Church has much to offer and is worth investigating, and you would meet some really nice people there.