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bt hub phone

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gina32 | 16:55 Fri 14th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
anyone else got one of these, and if so what do you think of it, the reception on mine is abysmal


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I've got one but we don't use the phone with it for that reason. We also have BT vision and I would say to anyone thinking of getting it.............DON'T!!! its rubbish and it slows down your broadband connection.
I've got one, and BT Vision - no complaints because I have them free because I work for BT.

Before anyone has appoplexy and reaches for their phone to complain, I should point out that the free Digibox and Broadband for staff is a replacement for the free BT shares we used to get, and in thirty-four years of working for them, this is the first 'free' thing I have ever had - we don;t even get reduced phone rental, never mind free calls!

Never used the hub phone - I do hear they are lousy!
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i only use the phone to make calls as they are free 24/7 well i pay a fiver for it, but im not surprised cos you can hear anyone on them and try getting bt to do anything about it is a joke, my contract is up soon and going elsewhere
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bt sent an engineer once to see what was wrong only when he got here he said he was told it was for my broadband( that just about sums bt up) when i told him he said they are rubbish and have loads of complaints about them

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