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Easter Wallpaper

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netibiza | 19:14 Sat 15th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Where can I download (for free) a nice simple easter wallpaper rather like the AB one with flowers and chicks?


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Neti shouldnt it have a picture of a guy nailed to a cross for easter?

Im jason bourne
Question Author
Thanks weeal shall play around with those for a while-

Hi Jason! I don't really think I want a piccy of a dead person dangling from a cross everytime I look at the computer, much prefer pretty flowers and chicks and things!
Blooody hell.

Isnt that blasphemy ?

Poor guys been hanging from that crosss 2000 years .

And you wanna replace him with bleedin orville ?

The shame
Question Author
Oh no doubt I'll be condemned to the fires of hell but hey ho!
whos a ho ?
Question Author
Pays yer money, takes yer choice!!!

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Easter Wallpaper

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