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Should i eat the whole thing??

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pastafreak | 00:15 Sun 16th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
it is one of those small Green and Blacks bittersweet choccy bars...or should I save some for tomorrow....well??


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I am fine Ice babes , you just concentrate on getting over your nausea honey , nice deep breaths and some fresh air , or stay still where you are til it goes off . ;-) xxxxxx
It's fine bigmamma - I should've thought of you first hun. I just feel very sick because of the amount of chocolate I've eaten. Judgement. x
Hi Hussy. x
Lol IaP - but if I wasn't feeling so poorly, I'd laugh even more - x
Pasta - don't talk about food!!!!! x
-- answer removed --
Awww bless - you enjoy yourselves IaP. Night - x
Night night In a Pickle :-) xxxxx
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Night,Pickle......wink,wink!! ;-)
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Oh-by the way...I have eaten it all...yummm ;-)
Oh...GROAN....Pasta!!!! I'm trying to feel better here!!

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Should i eat the whole thing??

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