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just back

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mirela | 15:59 Wed 19th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
hello, just back from two interviews, my new shose was killing me. when i back home, so glad to see our puppy hasnt done much demage of the lounge apart ******, sh1t and destoryed two books.

oh 2 questions from the written test of oneinterviews, i dont know, what is the currency in prague? JFK airport in which city? anyone knows???


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Koruna and New York.

How did the interviews go.
what job was it for ?
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gravy, i bought cooked whole chiken and new potatos, how does it make you feel?
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one interview for bank, one for travel currency company, those questions i didnt know from the travel money company. i was gutted, i have been prague 1 year ago, i totally forgot the name or the currency:((( and about JFK, i sak Berlin,grrr.....:((@

interviews went ok, took 2 numerical tests, ha, i m so glad im pretty at math lol maybe coz play WII' brain academy lots??
Euwww mirela , you've cleaned up the dog doodoo before coming on here have'nt you ? Hope the interviews went well :-) xxxx
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hi BM, yeah, the doggy is happily sleeping now, but she chrewed gravy's favortie book (probably the only book he ever read). interviews were ok, got another one tommorrow, i nned think how to make those bl00dy shoes more comfortable lol
how are you today? what you been up to?xxxx
Not a lot mirela , the usual nothingness , been into town dodging the rain .
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Mirela - make sure the chicken is also safe from the dog. If not your gravitate will be online later asking what to do when your puppy swallows a whole cooked chicken.

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aaaah, thanks for the advice wolf, so impresive people know gravy so well here lol he might collect new chicken flavoured dog breath to sell if that happens, he is very business orientated lately:)))
All the best with the interviews, Mirela. Hope you land a job you like.

As for the shoes, wet any old rag, towel, tee shirt etc. or newspaper and stuff the shoes well with it. That usually helps to stretch the shoes.
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