Rang them and asked what debt was for and they didn�t have that info so I have asked them to send it, thing is the compeny they are chasing payment for doesn�t exist anymore. whats CAB?
4get we had that once ya know, we must have rang through about 5 or 6 companies until we got to the one the debt was with now, been passed from one to another,turned out it was for phone insurance that we didnt even know about! grrrrrr, ended up onto a company in northern ireland. This sort of thing is a pain in the ass.
4getmenot - I'm not trying to butt in on your conversation but ask the debt company for written proof of the debt if they can't produce this they can't make you pay for it. I've been in this position, try not to worry as it all works out and isn't worth it xx
thanks CAJ you can butt in anytime, its open house :-) You're right my mum said dont worry but I do. even though I know I;ve never owed anything of that amount. But it may have been a tiny bill and built up over 3yrs but then they have never chased me once for it.
I will see if they can send me any proof. If they can and I did have an outstanding bill I just cant understand why they never sent any chase letters and why it would go to my parents house when it was all in my address
You could also contact the original company you owed the debt to and ask them about it. I was worried that baliffs were going to turn up at my door and it turns out the company I had to deal with were a bunch of bullies. I found 34 pages of complaints on the internet about them. My worrying was useless as they weren't doing things legally. Definitly go to Citizens Advice, they are amazing and know the law inside out and its free x
I agree 4get honey that the CAB is your best port of call .
They may be able to either get it quashed if they can prove a certain number of years have gone past without them conacting you for the debt , or , at least , get past charges removed . xxxxx