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removed answers - correct board?

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Lorrymac | 23:27 Wed 19th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Hi, not sure if this is the correct board, but i was wondering why my profile says that i've had 2 answers removed...can you find out which ones they were?!



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AB's server automatically detects duplicate posts and removes them. If you've been around here for a while, you'll know that AB can sometimes be very, very, very sloooooooow. You might click the 'Submit' button and nothing seems to happen, so you click it again. When you next check your profile you'll find that your 'removed' count has gone up by one. That's because AB received your answer twice and automatically removed the duplicate.

When I first had a couple of answers shown as 'removed' I spent ages trying to find out what they were. It was only later, when AB's server was going through a particularly 'sticky' time, that I worked out what was happening.

Unless you're in the habit of sending offensive posts (which I'm sure you're not!), your 'removed' posts will simply be the result of clicking the 'Submit' button twice and nothing to worry about.

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Fab! i was worried that i'd posted something that had offended someone ir something but that would have been completely unintentional. It was 1, but now 2 so thought it best checking. makes total sense what you've said. thanks for the perfect explanation!

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removed answers - correct board?

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