You ever done anything just to be mischevious? Not something that would hurt someone but something that would crack you up for a while. Like on the malteser advert where she shakes the can of beer up. I have been so tempted of late to put salt in my blokes tea instead of sugar.
The best one I heard was done by my hubby's best mate. It was a hot summer night and his girlfriend was asleep wearing nothing but her pants. She was lying on her front, so he thought it would be really funny to put a chocolate button down the back of her pants. It melted nicely and when she woke up she was really embarassed as she thought she had had a "little accident". He thought it was hilarious! Thankfully she can see the funny now too.
It certainly made us laugh! She vowed she'd get him back, but so far hasn't managed to come up with anything as original. I'll keep an eye on this thread for any ideas for her lol.
I confess to clipping a puddle with my front wheel to give someone a little shower the other day. Wrong I know, but when a person, a puddle and your arrival at that puddle all coincide, it's like the planets aligning and evil just took over! Got a boll**king of the missus though.... Strictly a one off.