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barry could you look at my anaemia question - thanks
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and received it but don't want it now - I want to send it back as it hasn't been opened. just received an email there saying this but I don't know what it means 4GBP refund for you to keep...
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What are your first thoughts when you wake up in the morning?
Are they about meal prep for the day, work/housework,  social occasions, health, appearance or something else?  Just a bit of... ...
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First one went into operation this day in 1967 and needed a six digit PIN. They were a godsend when banks had very restricted opening hours and you couldn't get cashback from the supermarket. I... ...
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How can it be Thursday already?? This week is absolutely flying by! Just spoke to YoungSmow(used to be TeenSmow lol) & they are still waiting for arrival of baby!! Labour is taking  forever to... ...
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Do you think this is a good reason to divorce? 😁 ...
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... practitioner open the pack of needles to be used in front of you? I Know it's highly unlikely they'd use the same needles twice but you can't be too careful.
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I am shattered, drained after a very poor night's sleep. I'd be fine if I could spend the day lounging by the pool, under a parasol but there is always something to be done.  Oh, I don't have a... ...
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david small
just wondering what will you you feel, or felt when achieving this age?
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just being nosey here - the work you got done sounds good and I know it was a few years ago but who done the work for you - was it the same person who done the heap.  
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...via the internet asking you to send explicit photographs what would you do?
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Well that was a humid night! Even with a fan on I've been so so hot! Looks like it's going to be another gorgeous day! In-laws house move went well yesterday - after 33 years in the old hdouse I... ...
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I have a design in my head for outside in my backyard - it will include a downstairs toilet which I need, sink and small shower. Is there any where i could see the design on the website - thanks
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Oh at some award he is at - two women are fawning over him.  They are fond because if he can't walk he can hardly raise an eyebrow with them.  
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Well, it's late for me - I've been up since 4.30am, and it was broad  daylight even then! Perfect blue skies here, not a single cloud - yet! Washing machine on, garden watered and cats fed so... ...
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Cats are small and look so innocent and vulnerable.  This guy tried to save a cat stuck down a deep... ...
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I've accidentally turned on Private Browsing and have no idea how to turn it off ....tried following instructions without success, please help ☺️
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Whole or bagged?
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Being on show all the time, meeting and being nice to thousands of complete strangers, making speeches, your whole life mapped out for you from where you go to work to what you wear to work - and... ...
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My first attempt at a Monday morn post so let's give this a go! Bit early for the sunshine yet but it's meant to be a hot one today here - bout 28 degrees! Which means that after almost 7 months of... ...

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