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sing a song

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unrulyjulie | 16:12 Thu 20th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
If you could sing one song to one person , what would it be and who would it be to?


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I would sing 'Groovy kind of love' to my son, but in tune! x
It would have to be "Songbird" to my hubby, if I could sing!
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'I don't like your girlfriend' to Xabi Alonso!!
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Please do, the rotten fag hag is a pain in my arse!! I want Xabi!!!!! Can you take the kid too, I don't do babies!
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Sophie Kinsella the author? why?
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I've heard you sing Leg, that's prob wise lol
Mercy to you Jules, Fergus sings the blues to bob, something by Bros to Whisks and something smooth by Prince to Richie :)
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so zac if you could have any woman youd go for sophie?
Answer wisely Zac, your future wifey is right here!!!
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"The Drugs Don't Work" to my GP.

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sing a song

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