inconsiderate smokers drives me mad!!
sorry to all the smokers but i really hate the stuff, i hate the smell and kissing a smoker just makes me sick eww!!! big big turn off!!!
i tell you what really annoys me about smokers, i hate it when they light up as soon they get off the bus, and they never think about other ppl who r behide them, the smoke goes into my face and ashes all over me!! same with the smokers who walks and smoke at the same time! Grrrrr......... and today i was waiting for my bus, this bloke sits next to me and starts to light up! i was blo0dy suffercating, theres a 'no smoking' sign right behide him i really wanted to pointed out to him. but he was bigger than me!! oh and anther anoying bit is when they smoke whislt driving they flick their ashes or fag ends out of the car, grrrr and some who smokes whilst other people who r stil eating! GRRRRRRRR...... im soooo glad there is a smoking banned in all public places!! now when i come out of a pub or clubbing i dont stink of the digusting stuff!! the government should banned it everywhere!! or they shud build a little shed with no windows or air ventilater for them to inhale their own smoke and let them suffercate!! see how they feeel!! (the prob love it, double the dose!!)
i know some cant help smoking etc but i dont mind it aslong its not around me, and just wish some smokers think about the non smokers before lighing up! i feel sorry for the kids who parents smoke! the kids will follow their footstep when they grow up into their teens if that.
oh well sorry smokers xx :( it just annoys me.