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human dross

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Doc Spock | 10:02 Fri 21st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
the sooner the following are dead the better.

amy drughouse
kerry katona
heather one legged porno star mills etc
pete wahtevererty

any other over publisised overpaid to55er.

jeremy clarkson as well


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Morning Doc, Happy Easter :-)
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Morning Ray.

I get sick and tired of reading about millionaires who are depressed.

Shoot the whinging bast@rds.
You got good point there Doc, they want the money but don't want the pressure etc it brings,

I love amy's voice but sadly think she won't be around that long anyway. the others well, no time for them at all, Clarkson just a bladder of lard, big fat turd who loves his oversized head!!
Noooooooooooooooooo! I love jC!
Morning Doc :-) xxx
Question Author
Hi Momma. Sorry Jules. He is a to55er though.
no Doc, he's great!!!
Yea Great big turd !! :-)
who me ray?

No, lol, never you litle lady, lardarse !! Jc
now you're calling me a little lady lardar$e!
i could fall out with you!
ive been insulted in better places than this!

OK you win, xx
Never mind those nomarks Doc -agree with ya BTW -JC is a self opinionated tosspot -get some more of yer you tubes back on -I loved them and remember you promised me a mention in one of yer films-dont care if its calling a cow Dris -I would still laugh my t!ts off !

They were brilliant !!
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