Passport in The AnswerBank: Travel
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kimb | 15:49 Mon 22nd Nov 2004 | Travel
4 Answers
I have duel nationality, I have an English and Australian passport and live in England. Im going to Brussels at the weekend in Belgium. Can I travel on my Australian passport as my English one has expired by nearly a year. Thanks for your help!


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You may want to double check this, but since England is a part of the EU you shouldn't need your passport to travel, except as identification.  So the fact that it's expired oughtn't to matter once you had another form of identification as well... but like I said you might want to check that... the other thing you can do is phone up the australian embassy/consulate in London and ask them if you need a visa or anything for belgium.. I doubt you do though... if not then you can travel on the australian passport...
I got given citizenship in NZ, but for travelling you have to use the passport of your birth place and even though it is part of the EU it still has to be active and in date.

Sorry, Lit_Rhapsody, but you are wrong.  The UK is not a Schengen signatory and, to travel to Belgium (which is a Schengen signatory), a passport will be required.


As you leave the UK, you will be required to show your passport which will also serve as photo ID for security.


On arrival in Brussels, you will have to present your passport to the Immigration Officer.  Whether your expired British passport will be acceptable and whether you would need a visa in your Australian one are a different matter.  Maybe someone else will coment on this.


Visa not required for a stay up to 3 months. You may have to show return ticket and have sufficient funds.

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