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Welll what a load

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knobbymonuts | 04:18 Sat 22nd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Of clowns and dont mean you genuine peeps on here.

But the idiots and moron brains have not even noticed about me have they they have comed on here trying to slag me of as per normall and they have not even noticed it


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Doesn't having a green name mean you're new here? Unless you have multiple accounts and you forgot to sign out of one of them...?
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sorry princess you are so far away
Nah, I'm not really.

You have a thing about dabees, which is why you've posted so many threads about her tonight.

You're green, so you're 'new' unless you have more than one account, which is just cowardly.

And you talk crap.
i know i should not bite but , nobrot what have we not noticed?, oh bollacks i get it now you are in the room with me and i did not see you come in.
or is it that you have gained an M IN YOU NAME
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princes dabes is nasty piece of sh1t on my shoe on here just ask any body on here about the freak and they will tell you.

But I suppose you are one of its groopies so well then fruck of my dear
disagree with nobrot and you are instantly a piece of crap , what a guy.
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You disagree with me all you want d1ck head as I am right and all you freaks that are on here now are wrong.

And there is no way that you freaks are going to change that suckers
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So please give it a rest now and rest in piecies Pleazzze morons
i'm off to bed now nobrot so i will see you in the week have a nice night, but for god sake take off those shoes covered in crap.

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Welll what a load

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