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Nocturnal Disease

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sir.prize | 10:43 Sat 22nd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Judging by the CB posts it seems that the Knobrot Disease took over during the night!


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sir.prize i think there were enough posts on this subject last night!

Now what are we all having for lunch, thats what i wanna know!!!
Julie's right sir. prize- as much as some of us despair at the nightime ramblings of certain users, you'll only fuel another night's worth if you make a specific point about it.

Now.....about lunch???
My mums doing Turkey roast for dinner so I'm gettin the hell out of here later!
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Point taken ladies . . . . . and lunch?

Was thinking about an orgy of Easter Eggs!
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Not worth coming on here at night anymore :-(

Buttons egg for me please.
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can i just have the orgy without the eggs please?????
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Wht a cracking idea Julie. I'll get me coat . . .
I had brunch and that was a bacon sarnie. I need to keep space as I'm going to my fathers for dinner and he's very much the Irish sort of hospitality line of thought!

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