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Paul Jewell Sex Scandal

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Caribeing | 22:11 Mon 24th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Could have posted this in "sport" but the old
boy network may have closed in! Didn't
see as much reaction to this story compared
with Ashley Cole{one law for footballers one for
managers} Jewell is a sleazy character, sympathy with his wife and kids!


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oops meant to say thanks sir.prize for the link <:-)
Tickets to watch Derby . . . . no chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is a very old pic of him how do you know he was married then? maybe he and wife had split then or maybe she already knows about it? the news of the lies wont go down those angles :)
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Bob the turkey. didn't realise it happened six years ago still makes him sleazy as it has
obviously been "covered up" and I don't mean
his pot belly!
Apparently he gives his team pep talks on
Marriage guidance etc must be an interesting

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