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Kitchen drawer

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bigmamma | 22:15 Mon 24th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Do you have one of those drawers in your kitchen that you have good intentions of clearing out one day ? You know the one's got anything and everything in it .
Mine has a nice partition tray in it but I still manage to find it messy . I have all sorts from batteries , elastic bands , pens , to plasters , cable clips , and cellotape :-D xxxxx


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yeah mamma, but thats what kitchen drawers are FOR lol
Just the one Bigmamma? I have many!!!
I actually cleared my out the other day. I threw away countless takeway menus and hargers for things I don't even own anymore!
* chargers
lol yes mamma!! I have one of those, it has school letters, thread! safety pins, batteries, junk mail (supposedly for the recycling)

I clean it out every so often but it always manages to fill itself back up!
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hi bm hope you are cool. there are loads of sex toys in my kitchen draw. or they could be rolling pins. i cant be sure

hope this helps
Yes! I have all those things you have in yours plus a bag of 100 tea lights that I thought was a bargain that have split open so I have about 50 of them scattered around the drawer too!

Thing is, I don't use tea lights, never have :0/
Yes I have one of those drawers too!!

At the moment it is full of screwdrivers, fuses, take away menus, old pay slips, photos and other bits and bobs.

They shouldn't even be in there!!, It is a waste of a drawer!!!!

I keep telling myself one day........
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Hi weeal , yes , but don't forget you are supposed to leave at least one for the cutlery . Hi tigger , you have more than one ? yes meglet those take-away menus that fly through the letterbox regularly . Lol cazzz , I think they must fill themselves up ;-D
I have 2 in the kitchen and 3 in the utility room. The ones in the kitchen have kitchen towwls and biodegradable bin bags in it and the other has cutlery. The other 3 have old kitchen utensils I never use and other rubbish. My menus and assorted junk are in a chest of draws in the living room. I also have loads of chargers and I don't know what they belong to ! Lol
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Awww , invisible , mice , you poor thing , how horrid !
Lol the arab , let's hope you find out which they are before any pastry is rolled out !
Hi { Dakota } , I 've got a bag of tealights in my cupboard , and I don't use them either .
Hello funnygirl , I keep saying it's a waste of a drawer but then I NEED everything in there .....don't I? lol
Yeh..I have 2 drawers like that...but they are nothing compared to the large closet lurking in a corner! It is full of tools,plant pots,paint tins,cat food,over flow from my food cupboards(3 for 2's..),seeds,plastic bags,light bulbs,extension cords,mop and bucket,cleaning supplies,cool bags,a George Forman grill,etc,etc.............!
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Well tigger , that actually sounds organised hun . Those chargers , they seem to breed don't they , I find them but can't ever match them up to anything ;-) xxxx
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Wow pasta , do you ever get a " Monica moment " and try to get it into some sort of tidy order ? :-D xxxxx
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Hee invisible , it has to go somewhere I know , I have a ....cupboard under the stairs ......
Trust me BM, the ones in the living room are so full of tut I can never find anything in them. I'm sure my passport has been swollowed up by one of the draws!

Anyway, I'm off to bed now cos I've got work tomorrow :-(((
Goodnight everybody xxx :-)
I am a Virgo,mamma....we are supposed to be ultra organised-hah!!!....i do try-but best laid plans and all that!!
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Oooo pasta , glad you didn't mention mice then .....
Night night tigger sweetie , sleep tight ;-) xxxxx

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