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I was going to say something nice

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Doc Spock | 18:30 Wed 26th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
but I can't think of anything.



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Why break the habit of a lifetime?
-- answer removed --
It's just the way your'e programmed DOC.
fluffy kittens
... then post one of your nice home-made videos.
Figs I got your e mail the other day and replied to it but not sure if you are receiving my e mails as you dont seemed to have recieved the last 3. Have you checked your spam box.

Now cause of the sad sick people on here I have had to change my name again.

But you wont keep a good knob down you will never do that.
I got no mails from you. Resend them, I'm sure you still have them in your send box.

(excuse me Sprocket for chatting on your thread.)
doc sounds like Bob....OMG.... :-))
Spockie can you remember the last time
you said anything nice to anyone ....
will now wait for the abuse to start ...
as you will now go in to a gob strop ...

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I was going to say something nice

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