dieting in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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snt79 | 21:38 Tue 25th Mar 2008 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
On a diet and really struggling. Exercising every day does anyone know of any foods that speed up ur metabolism or any other ways of speeding it up. Used to lose weight so easily but just aint happening. x
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Spicy stuff like hot chillies, and drink green tea. Also, lay off the sugar and wheat.
u can get pills 2 help it go into holland and barrat because im not 2 sure what they are called but they are really good my friend uses them
you are supposed to eat breakfast, this kickstarts your metabolism for the day. also i believe your metabolism burns faster for an hour or so after excercise. as you build muscle tone, muscle burns more energy than fat so i guess a mixture of cardiovascular excercise and weights / resistance training. ive also heard a theory that drking cold water speeds the metabolism, due to the bodys effort to warm it or something - i guess that bit might need a bit of research!
When I need a weight loss boost I drink about three cups of green tea a day (I don't care what people say, I'm certain it helps - even if it's just a diuretic and causes water loss!).

I also make up a bean chili and each that for dinner a couple of days running. Don't know what's in those beans or the metabolism boost the chili gives but the weight seems to start shifting - could be just due to lowering my calories and upping my fibre, whatever it is, it seems to work.

Just throw the following in a pan and simmer for 10 minutes: Cans of: kidney beans, adzuki beans, sweetcorn, tomatoes. To this add garlic, chili power or fresh chilies and some cumin, coriander and thyme (or whatever herbs and spices you have handy). It tastes fab and can be served with a baked potato (go easy on the butter though) or some brown rice. It really fills me up and after having this for dinner for a couple of nights my weight usually drops a little.

Good luck!
Have you tried Rosemary Conley? My weight was stuck for ages then I changed to her diet and have lost nearly a stone in 2 weeks on the fat attack diet
I only want to lose another stone but it is great

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