Just to add, and I shall say this because a stalwart member of AB comes from gypsy blood, and wouldn't wish him to be offended, is the original gypsy or Romany are a proud and dignified people and must not be tarred with the same brush as the modern "gypsy"
The modern pikey is indeed a filthy beast. They speak in a quasi-Irish come Welsh-come Northern dialect that only the most trained of ears can comprehend. As said, they are all theives and would happily rob your Grandmother blind.
They live, sleep and eat in sh!t and often have vile breath. The children all carry knives and none of them have true identities, thus avoiding custodial sentences and police ID's.
The trendily named "New Age Travellers" are often even worse. Whilst the pikey abuses alcohol to excess the NAT is often a smack head robbing and thieving to feed their foul habit.
NATS can be however educated as it is a life style choice made later on in life. Some can therefore actually read, so may have a comprehension of the law, and as siad, Human Rights.
The law does not help the local land owner because this pathetic goverment favours the criminal. And as gypsies are now classified as a race, in legal terms, local marxist governments will not touch them with a barge pole.
The original decent, law abiding nomadic Romanies will be turning in their graves if they could see what modern filth now takes their place.
I believe all travellers sites should be firebombed (after rescuing the often ill treated dogs they have).
If the odd pikey burns to death, then bloody good riddence!!!
Thieving scum.