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Is it too early......

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hau kola | 16:46 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
to get my jammies on?


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Oh I thought you was gonna say to drink lol

Never too early for jim jams, I havn't got outta mine today :o)
never I am still wearing mine :-)
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Hi mistys,im frozen,can`t get warm and theres something warm and inviting about jammies.
No babe- but is it the elasticated waistband that appeals? x
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Hi 4get,my quiz isnt doing to
It's never too early. If I was at home, I wouldn't have even gotten dressed yet!
I went back on it a while ago and was still flumaxed
I did try it hau, but the only one I could get was weeal and someone else already did that. I'm too simple pimple for it.
Get your jammies on or make the rest of the day a duvet day :o)
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Hi bathsheba,actually yes,since ive lost a bit of weight they sit loosely on my hips.
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Hi whiskey,how ya doin?
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This is what was needed,a nice girly thread.
I wanna go back to bed now, talking about duvets.
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im ready for my bed now but i`l be wide awake come bedtime.
I had the day off work so was planning on staying in bed alll day. Then at 7:00 my eyes pingged open and I had trouble getting back to sleep. I don't even get up that early when I do have work lol
Looking forward to a nice relaxing night now.
Have I missed a thread about your weekend with weeal Kola? I want to see pics! Have you put any on facebook? Haven't looked today yet. I've seen a couple on weeal's page, but that's all x
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Thats all we took,just the ones on facebook.
Hi hau kola honey , if you don't have to venture out again tonight then you get into your pjs , why not indeed :-) xxxxx
pmsl - jammies mid afternoon

I had to go BUY jammies for Kola coming to stay, never owned any lol
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Hey,mamma.I was already in them when i put the post
Hi Al.
Hee , :-D

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Is it too early......

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