Where do the odd socks go to? Been doing a mini spring clean on the sock drawer etc and have ended up with quite a few "odd socks" I have held on to them hoping their "partners" will turn up but alas not!!
Have you read Cecilia Ahern's "A Place called Here"? It offers a strange theory about missing things! I know what you mean though - I am always trying to match up pairs of socks.
Hmmm, do you have a regular supply of toilet paper in the bathroom.
A lot of people tend to take one off to wipe their bum when there is none.
Obviously this is something i just heard about. I always have some Andrex or Charmin Ultra...
Were they clean ones Cazza?
A lot of people use them to shove in their partners mouths at night to stop them breathing on them.
Obviously this is something i would never do. I never have anyone with me in bed :(
I have a washing machine that snacks on socks. I daren't throw the odd ones away because pound to a penny their partners will turn up as soon as I do..
Okay this is a secret, though no one will believe it anyway but trust me its true.
Inside every washer drum is an invisible door and behind it is a huge huge world (bit like narnia lol) every so often the door opens a teeny tiny crack and little things like socks get pulled in never to be seen again ;)