My two are now 7 and 6 and we both both work now that they are at school, so we have a completely different routine now, but I will do my best to remember back!
They would get up at about 7, have a cup of milk and watch tv while I had a shower and got dressed and bring a washing down to put in the machine. Then I would take them up to get washed and dressed and then have breakfast. After breakfast I would get them a crate of toys and play with them for a little while to get them started on something and then clear up the breakfast things and then go back to them again. Mid morning, they would have a snack and I would clear up the toys and hoover. After snack if it was nice we would go and play out in the garden while I haung out the washing and then go for a walk. If not nice, i would hang washing up inside and we would do jigsaws or paint or play doh or read storys or something until lunch. After lunch, the older one would go to nursery and the younger would have a nap and I could clear up and maybe even get an ironing done before he woke up and we went to collect the older one. Then we would have afternoon snack and either play out or do bits of shopping or set up the train track or something, maybe a wee bit of a video to let me get the dinner on, dinner and then we would have a bit of rough and tumble to tire them out before bath, bed etc. My other half and I would take turns to take them and do the bedtime stuff while the other cleared up from dinner and tidied up the toys. Other things such as the toilets and hoovering and dusting would get done when they could, but sometimes would have to wait for a saturday morning.
The routine would change really depending on things like toddler groups, need to get groceries, weather etc.