Buenchico, Hi, sorry I didn't make it clear... yes you can use other SMTP servers, but only if that server allows SMTP authentication (i.e. you can login to the SMTP server using a username and password, which is normally not required) otherwise it would be known as an "open relay" and would get blocked by virtually every other mail server on the internet within hours (open relays are spammers best friends when they find them) also some ISP's (like AOL) route all traffic on TCP port 25 (the SMTP port) to their own servers regardless of where you are tryinig to send the traffic.
I checked Gawab's site and they will indeed offer a SMTP service from any ISP but the server will require logging with user name and password (just like a POP3 server)
I have not used Gawab's service so am unable to comment on reliabilty but from the details on their site it would seem to fit the bill for the gallapunk
I thank you for pointing out my lack of clairity.