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I'm not one to spread gossip but Drisgirl said

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buck long | 23:52 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
That somebody found wardys home address and sent him "things" . what things ?

What "things" do you send a man like that ?

How many suspects?


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Are you an international terrorist or are you are just gay
A spy!!!!
i'd sewnd him some fresh blueberries
Please DON'T spread any gossip about Dris!
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Im gay knobby -but only cause its easier to type than international terrorist. Why ?
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i certaINLY wouldnt icemaiden
do you think Drisgirl might indisgressionaly send warpy's ady to me buck long?
OMG -he can answer for himself really BUT I am only going on the 4 yrs I have been on here and i have no reason to dispute- over that time - that he is telling lies.

I'll say one thing -he is consistent about the foul abuse which was posted about about him and also the the other things regarding his 'home' address.

Know what i believe him.

BTW- keep my effing name outta a thread -I dont know you and you know me -just in case you you dont know the protocol on here (yeah right) -its bad craic to highlight one person when they are either not on here to defend them selves or are merely posting in answer to a thread.

DONT post and then highlight one person -bad craic -ma dear -take the rough with the smooth.
Drisgirl, im startin to not believe you
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im a fan of drisgirl, I certainly dont hold her responsable for w/m . it is no reflection on any of his friends . We all know what he's like
Even though wardy or any aliases might be very off-putting for a lot of people - and I've thought he's gone way over the top sometimes - I don't think it's very nice to talk about people in their absence, that's all (unless it's to say something pleasant).
Why thank you WW and BL -tad suspicious but hey lets ride this pony - 'I000 cyber credits to the first person who said this '
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Personally , i'd send him my love and i'd wish him and his children a long and troublefree life

Because thats the difference

But i must admit i'd be temted to chin him

after all all of this is just pretend isn't it

Or is it -you decide !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha!!!! I'd chin anyone who got me angry! fortunately, I'm quite peaceful.....for now.....
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giz a clue

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I'm not one to spread gossip but Drisgirl said

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