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Drisgirl | 14:59 Sun 30th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
She's in the dungeon -think it may have been a glitch on her PC.
Just to let you know as some of last nights threads look even more stupid than normal as we keep referring to her and laughing with her -its like we have an imaginary friend -lol


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yo driss

how you doin mucker
and how is

har eh
im fine

ill get bk to h soonnn as i can
i marsterd the u tubes nnnow hee

c u mate
wer u a naughty girl last nite
my nnn is stickinhere

Question Author
Monty -posted on legs t!t thread lol
I was fine last night -was a good night really except thought that leg was rubbering me then so did hussy -poor soul -he was bemused to say the least -he's fine now tho -I think lol

your n sticking is it -aw monty i cant type for laughing at ya youre a tonic xxxxxx
Question Author
o H is fine BTW and way to go with you tube -i still prefer the half page ones tho -i'll catch ya on that site when you get back on it -left a message for ya a couple of days ago -and get some pics on if you can you tube then you can post pics lol
I dont even have the luxury now of going to the dungeon for a few days on here I just get locked up and they throw away the key forever.

What happened to icy then she done nuffing
il get there nnnnay worrys driss

im a fast learnner
bloody n is stiki nnn againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

nnneeds a claennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

o more nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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Monty -o man can someone tame her today -please !!!!!

Knobby -she didnt do anything just AB shut down on her and she cant get back on -she's had probs with her PC so she thinks it may be that -poor you -throw away the key -just as well youre a Harry Houdini innit lol
Oh no!!!...poor Icey......she NEVER does anything wrong!!....should we start a petition.or do ya think she will be let out tomorrow???..............................................................How are ya today,dris-I felt a wee bit like death warmed over...had to be up for work at a decent hour,think I will need a nap in a bit-lol x
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Pasta !!! O man wouldnt have liked to have worked today -that was a great shift last night -fair enjoyed myself xx
Iceys identical twin Snow Maiden is on -so she will be back on later think she has things to deal with in the real world ATM -lol.
She didnt do anything wrong -her PC plays up at times-she'll be released tomorrow -feel for her being there with the various skeletons of Knobbys lying about-lol
Oi! I heard that! LOL.
Well I'm here folks - but not deliberately hiding under an assumed name. You all know it's me, and I'll be back to normal (??) soon!
I'll let you laugh at IM though. She can't hear you at the moment. She's quite used to dungeons though, so could be there a bit longer than expected - xx
There you are Ice honey , hope you don't have to stay down there for long :-) xxxxx
Hello Dris and all ;-D xxxxx
snowey!!...long time,,talk?...whatever!!! Welcome anyway-lol......yes-I felt as if i would fall asleep on my feet if i even blinked......Plus I have a Health & Safety inspection of my kitchen tomorrow, so I had to put in extra time to make sure it was pristine. Am knackered now...
Come down here Pasta - the ladies room (lol!) needs sprucing up! xx
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Oh - and i love the name Monts! xx
eeeerrrmmm..since when am i suffering any " female paranoia premetal tension" ?.....I am right as rain I am!!

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