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go west

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bobtheturkey | 12:27 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
life is peaceful there


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Lots of open air..........
The west of Ireland or the west of Wales bob? both are amazing places.
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yes raymondo west ireland is indeed, you are quite right
This is what we're gonna do
surely if you keep going west you'll end up in same place and that makes every place peacful
Love it there bob, beautiful place and lovely people, the coast as with west wales is just so beautiful. think I am gonna book the ferry. cheers bob.
well i have gone abit North and West, does that count? How are you Bob, B00 4get and Ray!!!

I have just been de-mossing my front garden! First gardening I have done in 19 years!!!!!! my cat has discovered he can jump out of the friont window onto the lawn and lie there in the sun and then jump back in when he likes!!!!! This place a damn near perfect!!!!!
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i have a sore head neck and thigh i cant be bothered today at work, my hdmi cable wont work and people are annoying otherwise im great, does it have a secret garden dorothy
Hiya dot, good to see your name in the daytime, you still enjoying your new house then, great when you are happy with where you live, makes a hell of a difference to your whole life, good on ya dot.
I'm great dot, hope you're ok too. xx
waves to dotty Hello there!

Isn't today beautiful??? Already on my 2nd load of washing out on the line!

Bob? why's your eyes glazing over?

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go west

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