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Is it just me?

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banjobabe | 16:56 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I think Monty Don is hot.

Is this normal?

Is it my age?

Is there something wrong with me?

Answers on a postcard please..........

BB xx


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quicky googles monty dan eeeeugggh no not to my taste at all
Question Author
Not sure if that's a good sign or not.

Prolly my age!

He does it for me, but then I'm sad and old!

BB xx
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr nope sorry
I agree BB ! Think it's the lean lanky look combined with the voice..........x
I do think he has lovely diction and enunciation, but apart from that no ... it is just you.
not my type either, but some of the gardens were fantastic,

by the way hows the banjo going, ?
I seem to have run into a brick wall with the guitar,
i'm seriously thinking of making a nest box for the birds out of it.

He always looks to me like he has a hot steamy damp gusset, maybe it is this that attracts you?
Looks like I have a weird taste in men, not necessarily a bad thing!

No 4get just a tad too old!

Logic, don't talk to me about the banjo, just dumped my teacher so that's not gonna help! Just have to keep practising on my own, or find another banjoplaying boyfriend lol

BB xx
Not my cuppa tea banjo!

lol Ray. -xx-
(That's banjobabe)!

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