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in verse

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CALLY3110 | 18:27 Sun 30th Mar 2008 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers
in verse what is the term for the pause at the conclusion of each line


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jno's example could apply, but often refers to a stop or pause that occurs within a verse or line, rather than the end. One answer could be elision, but that is a specific example and often applies to verses of prose rather than poetry. It could also be end-stop or end rhyme but this applies to a natural ending of a line that might not occur if the rythm or word order didn't require it. Catalexis, though, very specific, could work, since the query is most likely an answer for a crossword puzzle. Other possible examples depending on context are Diaerisis andMetrical Pause...
End Stopped
end stop

but of course they may not in which case they run on, I think

Shakespeare's early plays are more end stopped than the later ones and this has been used to put them in age order
Pop tunes seem invariably end stopped and clumpety clump. my girl's named SPot and she likes it hot - sprinngs to mind as a pet hate. Mark Bolan and T Rex
leading us to conlcude that no-one has lost money by end stopping

Breakfast at Tiffany's - the pop song and not the film - has a run on segment - along with I think a broken rhythm ans seems incedibly up to date and different

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in verse

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