I own a flat which is leasehold in a block with 5 other owners. The leaseholder who is reasponsible for buildings insurance, keeps accepting the renewal premium from the same company and refuses to shop around. The quote is now over �450 each flat and I have researched and found that a competative quote should cost no more than �100 each. I have offered to shop around for her but she says she is happy with this company but she doesn't have to pay it. Is there anyway I can force her to shop around. Don't the charges have to be fair?
Have you checked what it says in your lease? Do you have a copy? I always kept a copy of mine but if you don't have it your mortgage company will if you've had the flat a few years. Nowadays the property owner the master copy if I remember rightly.
If there is no provision for this in the lease could you suggest to the leaseholder that you take the responsibility from them? And get a solicitor to draw something up to that effect and have all your neighbours sign it? Others on here may tell you if this is acceptable legally.
If not, I doubt there's much you can do. Bummer though isn't it? The best thing I did was get a house after three properties where the leaseholders were worse than useless. Good luck.
Why don't you approach the other 5 owners and see what their views are, if you all join together and say you are not paying it until she obtains at least 3 quotations, which is the norm but again look in your lease.