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Strange or not?

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Suzanne1981 | 15:23 Wed 02nd Apr 2008 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Hello all, my partners ex-wife keeps sending video and picture messages of their son to him whilst he's at work! We look after his 4yr old 4-5 nights a week so he certainly sees a lot of him and they have a great relationship! however during the day his ex-wife constantly phones and says his son wants to speak to him! I have also have a child from a previous relationship and would never consider phoning my ex at work, send video messages ect! Im certainly not jealous as i also have a great relationship with his son, is it just me or is this a little bizarre on part of his ex-wife? opinions please thanks
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It sounds to me like his ex wife is making sure that your partner has as much contact with his son as possible. If sending texts and phoning him is one way of doing it- I personally can't see a problem with it.
all it takes is for your prtner to say "i'm sorry, but i can't recieve these texts and videos because i am at work" or better still just dont look at the phone. he is allowing her to do it. If he dosent want to recieve them, its up to him to say, not you
Does she have a partner? Sounds like she's just that type of person, she might have always been like this and it's something you need not worry about!

At least you know about it and your partner is open and honest, thats all you need to worry about and sounds as if you have a good relationship x
If it causing you a problem then it needs to be addressed but if not and she is sending them for valid reasons and not to cause hassle etc then that is ok

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