Scary stuff and even scarier is the knowledge that some people will still be shaking their heads and saying "Well I don't know there's no smoke without fire and all that"
Very scary. I'm tempted to have a go at getting by without any credit cards in my life at all. I couldn't do without a debit card though and I guess they're open to the same kind of abuse.
I know that it is a serious crime, but I think the police could have found out a hell of a lot more before they barged in and blew this man and his family apart.. I will not buy anything else on the internet now. This man should be able to get compensation at least for his loss of earnings, never mind the stress. I wish him well.
The police have a lot to answer for. What hapened to innocent until proven guilty.
But I have decided that until there are gaurantees from shopping sites that my information is safe then I'm not buying anything else on line.
I feel sorry for him. As pointed out there will still be the no smoke without fire brigade to deal with.