I suggest a trip to your local library to check out the orchid books there. There are hundreds available but lots are very specalised. We found that the most popular orchid given as gifts is the phaleanopsis or moth orchid. It has a rosette of thick fleshy leaves & flowers on long up-right stems. They are hard to kill & thrive mostly on neglect. The basic care is only water when the bark chippings feel bone dry, then soak thoroughly - pouring away any standing water after a couple of hours. feed once a month at half strength during summer. Place in a well lit place but avoid direct sunlight - it will scorch leaves. When they are happy they grow large(r) thick fleshy leaves & then flower each year. Smaller leaves mean that it's not happy - most likely not enough light or too wet/dry. They don't need re-potting much, often just taking them out of the pot, knock off the 'compost', trim off the dead roots & replace plant with the original 'compost' will do to re-center a lop-sided plant. Don't firm in too much & only water after a few weeks have passed. best of luck!