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holly coffin | 02:45 Sun 06th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
you all are right.i have made quite the outburst. i am sorry. ofcourse i do not expect forgiveness but please leave that poor little girl that you are all claiming to be me alone


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Holly hun - big of you to apologise, but I still think you're one and the same person.
yes!!! thankyou now maybe people will stop interagating me!!!!
what is pmsl?
like you dont know..............its

piss my self laughing
Look come of do really think that we are that green.
You can fool some of the people some of the time.

But you cant fool all of the people all of the time.

So please go away and crawll back into your shell like mind
hahaha. thats funny and no i really didnt know what that only 13
this is so laughable!!!! You're apologising as Holly, because you know that people aren't going to taslk to you under that name, so you're trying to lead people off the scent by creating sweetiepie to fall back on! PMSL! Like perspex, isn't it?
omg.what are you talking about.what makes you think im holly?????? it is really upsetting me
ice.....what a Saturday night huh lol
I'm starting to giggle for real pasta! Let me just say that despite the weirdness of this, it's better than last night - because of the obvious, but this person's so.....I'm finally lost for words!
am sure there are better things to do than argue with
probably not - but hey, it's snowing! x
I know - perhaps they can get a NEW name?!!!

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