A drunken deranged Scottish woman rang my mobile at 12.05 this morning and shouted that down the phone as I answered. We had been in bed nearly an hour and it woke both of us up!! Not a pleasant experience, now who has my number??? It is annoying because i have had that number since I went to Antigua in 2006 and I will have to get a new sim and contact the people plus change the speed dial number at work!!!! Not interested in which deranged drunken Scottish woman it was because they are obviously not worth a second thought! Just hope they recognise that they need help.
Before anyone starts bleating about giving out my number on here, I havn't, I may have given it to 4 people on MSN, and so one of them must have passed it on, i know it isn't Bez or Bob.
Dot honey. Did the person know your name? Was it perhaps a wrong number dialled, you see if she was drunk, she may have misdialled a number incorrectly. You know what these drunk people are like. I was forever dialling a wrong number when I was off the wagon (and it wasnt me who called you honest - I was in bed at 10) and I am nae scottish my lass !
Was the number witheld?
I would be dead annoyed too but I would leave getting a new sim card unless it happens again.
Katie it sounded like the same bint that had phoned earlier in the evening, (see my thread from earlier) and then they asked if it was me when I answered, but like i said, i am not interested in this person, just annoyed that we were disturbed when we both had to be up for work, and that I may have to change the sim!!
Hi cazzz, I always think i am doing sober normal stuff even when i have had a drink , i don't think I am of a mond set to be so looney!!!
My grandson woke us up at 4.15 am being sick too, and so it has been a bad night, and I am at wotk all day today grrrr.
My son's GF has just left for work but the car was so iced up and snow covered we have taken ages to get the windows cleared!! It is a very thick icey covering.
Hi Dot, that is really out of order and you know that not all the Scots women on here are deranged dont you! Seriously, that is not a nice thing for you to have experienced.
I have had malicious texts before, at the time I had given that number to 2 people. (I have 2 mobis). Whilst the person had not witheld their number I tried it a couple of times but it was no longer in service. My service provider was unable to block the number but they did change my number for me. Its not nice reading malicious texts but its got to be ten times worse having someone screaming at you down the phone.
Well Dot you have no one to blame but yourself, why give your number out in the first place. You used to be one of the most highly respected people on here when I first came on here 3 years ago and I used to take note of some of your replies but now I don't know what has happened to you people know where you work what you do and now your phone number.You have just got as bad as some of the other idiots on here why lower yourself to them or is it a case of if you can't beat them join them.
wendilla i do take exception to your comments, i have not given out my number to all and sundry the way you imply, I can only think of 4 people that have it, and they are all old abers, i can only assume one of them has been duped into passing it on, I am very very careful, i am not an idiot, and knowing where I work is no big deal really.