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bigmamma | 23:53 Sun 06th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
Ok , fun over folks , who has sent me the snow ? Is it because this morning I stated that I don't like it , now there's a good thick covering of the cold wet stuff !


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I think I'll stick with mistys and bigmamma on this one .
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Really , well again , at my age I'm still learning new things on here
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Werewlof , it's at the stroke of midnight ...are we safe ?
That wasn't so painful after all . The bikes a british market 1966 Triumph Bonneville 650 , if anyones interested , they did two other colour schemes , one for the east and western united states .
Hiya bigmamma - everyone!

What happens then IaP, when I'm 80 and start to grow a beard? does it denote anything???? Lol
Perfectly safe weeal chained me up before she left .
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hi big my boys have just got back from france they said it was thick snow at calais today peace is over now they went on tues with my sis and her hub ...but glad to have them back missed them lots . hope your ok ..other than the snow
Oh, I'm a bit dissapointed, thought it was gonna be rude IAP!!

Anyway it is midnight and so I am going to turn my pumpkin self in. Goodnight all - xxxx
We'd all better start buying shares in the company now .
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Hi Ice babes , lovely to see you :-) xxxxx
Lol werewlof :-D
Goodnight mistys .
Night mistys - x.

Yay - Barnum's here I come!!!! I liked that one IaP! Lol.
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Hi sleepy honey , nice to see you , :-) Hope all is well in your family .
Lol Ice , the circus eh , the Great Curiosity ,,,The Bearded Lady
Night mistys hun , sleep tight love :-)
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Can anyone tell me what day it is tomorrow please , I 'm all mixed up , is it Monday , because I have to be up at 6 if it is !
Think it's still Sunday until half past twelve...but.....
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Thank you Ice , I've had it in my mind that it was Friday today ....odd....
Pretend it is!! The weekend's just begun!!!!!!!! xx

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