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Drisgirl | 00:01 Mon 07th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I always think that IAPs name is Ian -it wont be.

Just occurred to me there.

Have any others have a pre- conceived notion of someones name?


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Really -that is a turn up for the books !!!!

Funny how you get a wee mental image and attach a name to it.

I love that name so much -really !!!!!
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O jings -that is not a name I would pick -so youre a G G then lol !!!!

Im just a plain Maureen -its OK but I like my middle name more -Helen.

Kinda old fashioned with names -J -my daughter -well when she was born-19yrs ago- there wasnt anyone with her name -but lo and behold its one of the most popular names now in the US and here -grrrrrr

My son -its not a popular name and he really suits it and its is a business like name so we did well with both of them really.well -they both like thier names so there ya go.
I never pictured either of you as having those names, not sure what I thought they would be tho.
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parents are sometimes careless about initials, IaP...

I used to have dealings with a law firm named something like Garfield Gregory Philips and Pringle. So of course they were known in the trade as GGPP - or horsep!ss for short.

I always thought they should have read the auspices before choosing the name!
An old friend is D. Curtain. Course, joke after joke ensued when he was younger.
I could imagne IaP as a Colin or a Geoffrey! You don't have to advertise your sur name, er...G..but one thing we now know, is that it can't be Chinese! x
My hubby's intials are LSD! but at that time they meant pounds, shillings and pence!!

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