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y dont some ppl get it.

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kawa4 | 00:06 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
last week at work it was so cold i asked a mate if he could take the plug of my drill and put it on the fire so it would b worm 4 breakfast. we went 4 breakast. and i said its cold in here i thought u put the plug on the fire. he said i did. i said y is it so cold in here. he said i thought u ment the bonefire.


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I get it :-) x
I don't.
Well i sort of get it, but i wonder if knobby'd lend his spell checker thingy for a bit?!! x
lol Icey! I know it's very cheeky of me, considering it's not even my first language, but...:O) I don't know why, be it in French or in English, my spelling is almost always irreprochable! And I'm proud of it! lol

Sad, me? Naaaaaaaaah!
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ok so the smirnoff is working. anyway of 2 bed nite all
I think you've done brilliantly max. Do you pronounce your English words as well as you spell them? You ought to get a job as an interpreter. x
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y dont some ppl get it.

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